«BibTex is a LaTeX-related tool to handle bibliography developed by Oren Patashnik around 1988. Bibliographic entries are stored in a separate file (with extension .bib) than the LaTeX source, which only reference them through keys with the \cite macro. The command line program bibtex use this external file and the information output by previous latex invocations to produce LaTeX code than the next latex invocations will include in the document.[1]»
- http://www.bibtex.org/ Here you will find everything you need to know about BibTeX
- Fields and entry types. Une page documentant les différentes «entrées» d'un fichier bibtex (book, article...) et leurs différents champs.
- The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. The bibliographies are updated weekly from their original locations such that you'll always find the most recent versions here. 3 millions of references!
- Lead2Amazon is a Web tool to search 6 Amazons. You can choose category of goods, output, and order in advance.
- Guide des citations et références, adapté aux usages en Belgique, sur le site de l’éditeur juridique Kluwer.
- Diverses ressources sur le site de l'UCL, dont l'Adaptation des normes bibliographiques de l'APA à un environnement francophone (A. Spoiden, S. Patris, janvier 2014)